
Our Curriculum Intent


At Twynham Primary we aim for our pupils to: 

- develop and master a high level of skills across the curriculum, meeting or exceeding the levels expected of an outstanding school.

- develop both socially and emotionally so they become a respectful member of British society.

- become a fluent user of modern IT and new technologies.

- learn a language and develop global perspectives. 

- respect and value others' views, opinions and feelings.

Our Teaching and Learning Policy sets out how we believe children learn.  We have high aspirations and equal expectations of all pupils, regardless of social, cultural, linguistic or ethnic background. 

Our knowledge-based curriculum

Our curriculum sets out a clear framework for the aims of our education at each stage of a pupil’s development.  It is based on four clear components:

  1. There is a belief that we are all empowered by ‘knowing’ things.

  2. The knowledge that we want our pupils to acquire is specified in detail.

  3. Knowledge is taught to be remembered, not merely encountered through repeated exposure.

  4. Knowledge is sequenced and mapped deliberately and coherently.

What does this look like in practice?

For most subjects – Maths, Reading, Writing, Computing, Science, PHSE, Music, RE and Sports – our approach is to teach by year groups.  For more detail on how we teach each of these subjects, please click on the relevant curriculum links.

We teach Geography, History, Design and Technology and Art and Design across the year groups.   

For each term, the knowledge we want pupils to retain and the vocabulary we want them to understand is set out in Key Knowledge documents.  The teachers are then free to plan the learning and deliver it to their class as they see most suitable depending on the age of their pupils.

In accordance with our desire for children to develop a global perspective during their time at Twynham Primary, we focus on learning about one country per term.  We teach them to compare their newly acquired knowledge to facts and knowledge already known about other countries and the UK. 

To find out more about the specific subjects covered in our curriculum, please click the links below or email the School Office.