Attendance & Absence

Regular attendance is vitally important and all the research shows that good attendance (higher than 96%) is linked to good progress and attainment. TPS AttendanceParents have a responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly, and whilst we appreciate that there could be a range of reasons why a child may be absent from school, high attendance is extremely important. 

If your child's attendance falls below 96%, we will contact you and from that point we will monitor their attendance closely. As you would expect, if we feel that the reasons for absence are not reasonable then we will refer your child to the Christchurch Locality Team, who have a legal duty to monitor attendance.

The Twynham Learning Attendance Policy, which follows the Dorset Attendance Service procedures, can be found here.

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In view of the above, holiday absences will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. All other requests will be refused and any absence marked as unauthorised. 


Punctuality is important in all walks of life and we expect all children to arrive by 8.50am every morning for their registration. With our younger children, this responsibility lies entirely with parents and so we would be grateful if you could ensure that your children arrive on time each day.

We also appreciate that even the most punctual people are affected by events which make them late. If you do arrive at the school after registration, then please go to the school office to sign your child in so that your child's attendance can be recorded.

Frequent lateness is viewed with the same seriousness as poor attendance and we will contact parents if punctuality becomes a problem.

Leaving early

If your child needs to leave the school during the day, for whatever reason, then it is important that you sign them out at the school office.

What should I do when my child is absent?

Please inform the school through Arbor (via the in-app messaging option), or by telephone, on the first day of absence, no later than 9:15 am.

If your child remains unwell, then we ask that you telephone the school again on the third day of absence.

If you know in advance that your child needs to be absent (e.g. for a medical or dental appointment) then please do let us know by contacting the school by telephone (01202 026065) or email.